Blog | Ashtonne Packaging


Written by Bill Madl | Mar 5, 2019 8:15:05 PM



Ohio Association of Meat Processors Trade Show

February 22, and 23

Dublin, OH

This annual get together for Ohio’s local meat processors was a breath of fresh air in the world of trade shows.  Typically, a trade show is “hit or miss”.  They can be poorly attended and uninspiring.   However, you don’t know until you try.  Our experience at the 2019 version of the OAMP was a very good one.  In a short time, we met many new people and companies that were very open to dialogue and discussion regarding their packaging.  We were very surprised and excited! 

Ashtonne Packaging joined the OAMP in 2018 to “meet” more of the members and help them with their packaging.  Up until the time we joined the association, we had been selling to just a handful of the companies that process meat in Ohio.  Joining the association and attending the show gave us the opportunity to meet more key people from OAMP and to learn more about the unique packaging requirements and services each processor needs.

We brought our team of packaging experts to the show led by Rich Wise, our Director of Sales.  Additionally, Doug Riley, our expert in packaging supplies, joined us as well.  A veteran of the trade show wars, Doug was very helpful at our booth, answering questions with a smile and helping direct our guests.  Adam Cutlip, our dedicated sales rep for the OAMP, showed us why we picked him for this job. His experience in agricultural sales and enthusiasm to listen to people sparked good conversation with current customers and new prospects.

We are excited to be in a position to help this group of business owners and deliver value and service to them! 

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